Coyote Valley Vision Plan, San Jose CA

Designed as WRT/Solomon ETC, 1998

John Ellis Urban Designer with Daniel Solomon, Jim Stickley, Steve Hammond

The Greenbelt Alliance sponsored this report entitled ‘Getting it Right’ to demonstrate how the proposed expanion of San Jose within Coyote Valley could be achieved as a transit-oriented mixed-use development in contrast to sprawl. Starting with an analysis of the hydrology of the site, the plan proposed creating a compact footprint that would preserve two-thirds of the site as open space. The urban design proposed a street and block pattern that integrated with the existing road and field layout. A dense downtown was proposed along Bailey Avenue linking a new Caltrain station with an extension of the VTA light rail along Santa Theresa Boulevard.

The design won a CNU Charter Award in 2005.


Market / Octavia, San Francisco CA


Othello Station/ Holly Park, Seattle WA