CBD Design Guidelines, Sacramento CA

Designed as WRT/Solomon ETC, 2011

John Ellis Urban Designer with Jim Stickley, Swapnil Patil.

The update to the Architectural and Urban Design guidelines for the capital's central city area regulate the most important features of urban design, without overly restricting the formal potential and individuality of each building. Controls address building configuration, street-wall articulation, height limits, bulk controls and massing as well as ground floor activity and parking arrangements. In addition guidelines adress lot coverage, tower separation, tower massing and the articulation of their upper floors.

A key feature of this work was the development of building prototypes, which were used to test the residential capacity of the central city, and to illustrate the fact that density is achievable without relying solely on tower development. The potential range of appropriate building types varies from two-story townhouses to 55 story high-rise towers.


Docks Area, Sacramento CA


Sacramento General Plan Update, Sacramento CA