Rebuilding Jordan Downs, Watts, Los Angeles

Jordan Downs was one of the most distresserd public housing sites in the country. HACLA the Housing Authority for the City of Los Angeles has undertaken a reconstruction funded by a HUD HOPE VI grant to transform Jordan Downs into a dense, mixed income neighborhood without any displacement of the orginial residents. The story of how this came about deserves publicity as a case study in sustainable urbanism and enlightened city leadership.

Daniel Solomon Design Partners were hired as master planners for the project in 2010 to rebuild the 100 acre site, replacing the existing 700 public housing units with new housing and increasing the overall density to 1,500 units. The existing housing units had been built during World War 2 as war worker housing for the aircraft industry fctories that lined the nearby Alameda rail corridor. The housing was transferred to the Housing Authority for the City of Los Angeles in the 1950’s. Isolated and laid out in a series of giant superblocks, the public housing became a depressing environment for the majority African American residents with few opportunities for employment, a lack of retail or other amenities. The site became plagued with poverty, crime and drugs and suffered from police violence during both the 1965 Watts Riots and the 1992 Rodney King disturbances. Over time the majority of residents are now Latino.

The master plan will transform the site into a new neighborhood laid out around a central park and subdivided into smaller blocks that integrate into the surrounding context. An extension of Century Boulevard connects the site across the Alameda railroad trench. A new retail center with a grocery store and health services serves the neighborhood and provides a source of employment.

The presence of an empty 21 acre former industrial site next door enabled the first phase of development, 250 dwellings, to be built without displacing any of the existing residents. Mithun / Solomon with SVA were architects for this first phase for BRIDGE and the Michaels Organization which consisted of stacked three-story walk-up townhouses over ground floor flats arranged around surface parkinmg car courts. The new buildings hold the street walls in contrast to the standalone buildings of the former public housing.

Later phases by other architects are currently under construction following the urban design guidelines. A future community center is planned in the heart of the development funded by a gift from Lauren Powell Jobs.

An aerial view of the entire 100 acre project showing full build-out with 1,500 units. The plan is organized around a central park that runs north south and is surrounded by apartment buildings. The street and block pattern connects into the surrounding street grid. A new Community Center is planned at the top of the park.

The site before development showing the 700 existing public housing units arranged in rows. A 21 acre empty former industrial site was the opportunity for a first phase, permitting construction to take place without displacing any of the existing residents.

Phase 1 : 250 dwellings arranged along the extension of Century Boulevard that connects both sides of the site.

Full build-out: 1,500 units

Aerial view of the completed Century Boulevard showing Phase 1 on either side, and the existing war-time era housing about to be demolished on the right.

Century Boulevard facing west

Phases 1A and 1B designed by Mithun / Solomon and SVA

Century Boulevard facing east

All the first phase dwellings are walk-up townhouses over flats.

Small car courts overlooked by dwellings create secure places

A local muralist has painted images of neighborhood children

Phases 2, 3 and 4 have been designed by other architects. AC Martin, GGO, FSY and KTGY and others


Downtown Detroit


Lessons from Hammarby Sjostad Stockholm