Beer Line B, Milwaukee WI

Designed as Solomon ETC with Engberg Anderson Architects, 1999

John Ellis Urban Designer with Daniel Solomon

This plan has created a handsome new mixed-use, high-density neighborhood on the former Beer Line B railroad yards overlooking the Milwaukee River. The 25 acre site is located on a narrow strip of flat land stretching between the river and the steeply sloping bluff of Brewer Hill to the north. Milwaukee's Riverwalk from downtown is extended to connect with an extension to Kilbourn Park on the slope of the hillside. The plan is organized around a series of small blocks arranged between new streets and pedestrian pathways that connect to the surrounding neighborhood. The development contains a variety of new residential building types at various scales ranging from townhouses, live/work lofts to stacked flats and midrise apartment buildings. The success of this plan has spurred extension of the new neighborhood beyond the boundaries of the plan, including development on the opposite shore of the river.


Alameda Point, Alameda CA


Port Lands charrette, Toronto ON