Downtown Plan, Morgan Hill CA

Designed as WRT/Solomon ETC, 2008

John Ellis Urban Designer with Christopher Pizzi, Madeleine Zayas

Downtown Morgan Hill's redevelopment has focused on creating a mixed use district combining new residential development with revitalized retail and entertainment facilities. The master plan proposed development on a four block stretch along the historic Monterey Road, west of the Morgan Hill Cal Train station. Working with the city's Redevelopment Agency, the team studied alternative strategies that could deliver 500- 800 dwelling units. The work analyzed a mix of uses, and included at its center the reconstruction of the historic Granada Movie Theatre, as anchor to the downtown's revitalization. The design concepts looked at both the residential capacity of the downtown and its form. The plan was approved by the voters in the 2008 election and the first phase, consisting of streetscape improvements, has been completed.


Hacienda Business Park, Pleasanton CA


Alameda Point, Alameda CA