Market/Octavia Neighborhood Plan, San Francisco
Designed as Solomon ETC, 2001
John Ellis Urban Designer with Daniel Solomon
The Market/Octavia Neighborhood Plan was the outcome of the decision by the San Francisco voters to replace the Central Freeway, damaged in the 1989 Eathquake, with Octavia Boulevard and to undertake the repair of the urban fabric where the freeway had been. Solomon ETC were hired by the Planning Department to create a plan which could provide up to 750 dwellings (50% of them affordable) on the 27 freeway parcels. The urban design guidelines proposed a range of building types and scales to respond to the surrounding context with taller buildings on the slopes of Cathedral Hill and lower buildings within Hayes Valley.
Octavia Boulevard a multiway boulevard was designed by Alan Jacobs and Elizabeth Macdonald to accommodate through-traffic with local frontage streets on either side.