Mission Rock site, San Francisco CA

Designed as WRT/Solomon ETC

John Ellis Urban Designer with Daniel Solomon, Swapnil Patil.

The Port of San Francisco invited four developer teams to submit designs for this site at the edge of Mission Bay opposite ATT Ballpark and Mission Creek. Our submittal, which scored the highest by the City Planning Department proposed offices, housing and retail, together with studio space for the City’s arts community on the two finger piers. The plan is laid out around four blocks, each of which contains its own parking and can be developed in any order. The design ios organized around a continuation of Channel Street terminating in a crescent shaped plaz facing the water between Piers 48 and 50. Up to a 1,000 dwellings can be provided including a dramatic highrise tower marking the entry to Mission Bay from the historic Third Street Bridge.


San Francisco Transbay Terminal Air Rights Study


I-280 Freeway Removal, Mission Bay, San Francisco CA