Passy Plaza, Paris France

Designed as KMD Architects with Anthony Bechu architects, Paris 1991

John Ellis Project Designer with Jeff Horowitz, Ken Moy, Juan Diego Perez Vargas

In 1991 KMD was commissioned to transform the lower floors of a former department store on the Rue Passy in Paris’ 16th Arrondisement into a 120,000 sq ft multitenant, high-end retail arcade. Passy Plaza serves as a retail anchor for a mixed-use development that includes condominiums, a terraced garden and parking garage.

The plan is organized along a two-level retail arcade that connects the entrances from both ends and pivots around two top-lit rotundas. Daylight penetrates the arcade along its length from skylights within the terraced garden above.


Flood Building, San Francisco CA


Canon Kip Episcopal Sanctuary, San Francisco CA