Baylands masterplan Brisbane CA
Designed as WRT/Solomon ETC, 2008 and later with HDR Calthorpe.
John Ellis Urban Designer with Jim Stickley, Ganesh Ramachandran.
Baylands is a vast 500+ acre site straddling the boundary between San Francisco and the small town of Brisbane. A bay fill site between the former Southern Pacific Railroad and Highway 101, it has been used as both rail yards and landfill for San Francisco’s recycling center. Part of the site in San Francisco was formerly occupied by the Schlage Lock Company and is the location for a 750 unit transit-oriented residential neighborhood taking advantage of its proximity to the new Bayshore Caltrain intermodal station and the MUNI Third Street light rail line. The plan proposes a new grid of streets organized along a new linear park that links the former Schlage Lock buildings with the former Southern Pacific Railroad roundhouse. The blocks will contain a variety of house types ranging from townhouses, live/work lofts, to stacked flats.
Site plan showing the 27 acre Schlage Lock site in San Francisco as part of the overall Baylands plan.
Capacity study exploring a range of lowrise residential blocks on the Brisbane side of the County Line.
Schlage Lock site capacity study lowrise option.
Schlage Lock site capacity study with a highrise option.
Option 1: Palazzini Type housing
Option B: Interlocked townhouses